JAM rules for Pickleball

© JAM 1996-2025


JAM is for Everyone – Inclusion Statement

Our program offerings are designed to be inclusive for all members of the JAM community. Our goal is to create a welcoming gender policy that uplifts and supports each player where they are at. To ensure we can offer something for everyone, our programs may be offered in the following formats: Mixed-Gender, Women's, Men's, and Open.

Many of our league rules specify gender-based roster requirements, the goal of which is to ensure that each player has an equal opportunity to be included in gameplay.

Everyone participating in a JAM program is welcome to compete based on their gender identity and gender expression; regardless of their gender assigned at birth. Members whose gender identity does not align with the binary man/woman construct are welcome to play in all our mixed-gender and open programs.

Nonbinary, trans, genderqueer, and all other players who identify as a gender minority can count towards the roster minimums for either men or women in our mixed-gender leagues.


Game Time


All pickleball matches are approximately 55 minutes in length. Please arrive early to ensure you get the full use of your allotted time. Regardless of when your game begins your game will always end on time to allow succeeding games to begin at their scheduled time. 





Playing Area

All pickleball games will take place on a regulation size pickleball court


Equipment/Field Set-Up

The facility will be responsible for setting up the field. This is a big job, feel free to give them a hand! The facility will have paddles onsite. You can bring your own paddle if wish, just make sure it is similar in size to those used by the club.


Pickleball Basics

Check out this video to help explain the basics of the game.





When the ball is not served in the service court or is served to the wrong side of the court (not diagonally).


Calling Points and Faults


Non-Volley Zone (“NVZ”, aka ‘The Kitchen’)

This is the rectangular area immediately in front of the net.


The Serve 




Remember to have fun and treat your opponents well -- these people may eventually be your teammates!