JAM rules for Gulley Cricket

© JAM 1996-2025

Game Time

All JAM Gulley Cricket games are 10 overs per inning in length with a per inning time limit of 40 minutes and an overall game time of 85 minutes. Please arrive early to ensure you get the full use of your allotted diamond time. Regardless of when your game begins your game will always end on time to allow the succeeding games to begin at their scheduled time. Please designate one person on your team to keep track of the time and score during the game.  

Equipment Guidelines and Set Up


Teams are required to bring both light and coloured shirts to every game. Team colours are posted on the JAM website in your schedule. If two teams have the same colour the team captains should contact each other to ensure that each team knows what colour to wear.

Defaults: There is no default for players that don’t wear the right colour. However, that player must do everything they can to ensure it’s not confusing for the opposition. Whether this means wearing a pinny, a hat, a teammate’s shirt, etc. Under no circumstances can a player purposefully deceive the opposition.


Gulley Cricket 101

Regular Season Matches

All regular season matches can end in a tie.

Playoffs Eligibility and Tiebreak

There must be a winner in a playoff match. In the event that the match ends in a tie, teams will partake in the following tie-breaker until a winner is determined:

For playoffs, if a game is tied after 7 overs or 40 minutes, teams will utilize the following format: The visiting team will start a golden over inning. 

Rough Play

Any rough or physical play will result in immediate expulsion from further league play and may result in a lifetime league expulsion. Please see the JAM policy sheet for our official policy on this subject. It is recognized that incidental contact between players is inevitable; however, all players should go out of their way to avoid creating an unsafe play.  This rule supersedes all others. 


There are absolutely no alcoholic beverages permitted on JAM property. Any offenders will be asked to leave the league without refund. No exceptions.