JAM rules for Soccer Indoor Turf Officiated at BallSports

© JAM 1996-2025


Ballsports Officiated Soccer (Formally known as Soccerworld)

There is only one format of Soccer under Ballsports and JAM rules. The format is described in its entirety below. This rulebook will cover Mixed-Gender Soccer, Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer, and Open 6’s programs. These rules have been modified from the original Ballsports Rule Book, but the majority of the information has remained the same through the transition of League Management. 


JAM is for Everyone – Inclusion Statement

Our program offerings are designed to be inclusive for all members of the JAM community. Our goal is to create a welcoming gender policy that uplifts and supports each player where they are at. To ensure we can offer something for everyone, our programs may be offered in the following formats: Mixed-Gender, Women's, Men's, and Open.

Many of our league rules specify gender-based roster requirements, the goal of which is to ensure that each player has an equal opportunity to be included in gameplay.

Everyone participating in a JAM program is welcome to compete based on their gender identity and gender expression; regardless of their gender assigned at birth. Members whose gender identity does not align with the binary man/woman construct are welcome to play in all our mixed-gender and open programs.

Nonbinary, trans, genderqueer, and all other players who identify as a gender minority can count towards the roster minimums for either men or women in our mixed-gender leagues.


Ballsports (formally known as Soccerworld)

All games will take place at Ballports (formally known as Soccerworld). Please be aware of the specific rules in regard to the facility:


Field of Play

The field is an open concept field and the surface is a synthetic turf/artificial grass.


Game Time

All matches of Officiated Soccer will be 45 minutes in length, including two 21-minute halves and a 3-minute halftime. Please arrive early to ensure you get the full use of your allotted field time. Regardless of when your game begins, your game will always end on time to allow the succeeding games to begin at their scheduled time.

Time Keeping: Games will consist of two (2) 21-minute halves with a 3-minute halftime. All games are run time. The only instance when regulation time may be extended is when a penalty is called in the last two or five minutes of the game with the length of time added being based on the length of time remaining in the penalty. In this case, the referee will STOP the clock and the game will be played until the penalty is served, provided that no other infractions take place. Only the referee may stop the clock for an injury or any unusual circumstance.

Starting the Clock: The clock will begin running at game time. A team must have at least four players ready to play for the game to begin. If a team is unable to field at least four players five minutes after game time the game will be forfeited by that team with the forfeited team receiving a 5-0 loss. The winning team may accept the forfeit and leave.

Exception: The one exception is that after the forfeit has been given, more players from the forfeited team arrive or are recruited, the winning team may elect to accept the 5-0 forfeit and play a scrimmage game or play a game with the time remaining, and thus the final score will be recorded in the standings.

Kickoff: The player kicking the ball may not touch the ball a second time until another player touches it. Players may not cross the midline until the ball is kicked and clearly moves. The ball may be kicked in any direction.

Defaults: If your team is in danger of forfeiting due to a lack of players, please contact the JAM as soon as possible. Forfeits are recorded as a 5-0 score. Forfeits occur because:

Teams are responsible for making sure that they are playing on the appropriate field at their scheduled time and are playing against their correct opponents. If a team plays at least 5 minutes of a game on the wrong field, they shall receive a 5-0 loss.

No Shows: Teams are required to contact The JAM (toronto@sportsocial.club) if they are unable to field a team that night. Teams are not allowed to default a game without giving advanced notice. Multiple defaults or no-shows may lead to your team being removed from the league, without refund.



Roster Numbers

Each mixed team plays with a maximum of five field players and a designated goalkeeper on the field, with a minimum of two men or gender minority players and two women or gender minority players on the field at all times. A mixed team can play with a minimum of three field players and a goalkeeper, with a minimum of one man or gender minority and one woman or gender minority player on the field at all times. If no women or gender minority players are present, then the game is forfeited. In case of a penalty kick shootout, two out of the five kickers must be men or gender minorities and two must be women or gender minorities. men or gender minority players and women or gender minority players must alternate after each penalty kick even after the initial 5 kickers. Before any penalty kicks are taken the referee must ensure teams have an equal number of eligible players.

Player Registration

Anyone entering the player bench or the field must have a valid Toronto JAM profile with a photo uploaded and must be on the official online team roster.

Player Identification

In the event that verification of a player’s age is needed, one of the following forms of identification is acceptable:

Any player who is discovered to have lied about their age or identity to play in any league will be removed from the league with possible further disciplinary action against the Team Representative.

Player Eligibility


A team must have a designated goalkeeper on the field at all times. The goalkeeper must wear a jersey color that distinguishes them from all other field players and from the referee. A team may never have more than one goalkeeper on the field at one time. The goalkeeper may play the ball with his hands so long as the ball is not intentionally passed to him by a teammate’s foot pass. The goalkeeper may distribute the ball by rolling, throwing, punting, or drop-kicking. They may drop the ball to their own feet and kick or dribble the ball.


If a goalkeeper receives a two-minute penalty that the referee tells them to serve, then the goalkeeper must be substituted as quickly as possible.

All substitutes must remain seated on their respective bench unless partaking in active substitutions.


The following deadlines will be enforced on all divisions. The JAM and BallSports reserve the right to deny a player the ability to play if these deadlines are not met. Using any ineligible players will result in a default loss. 


Team Captain Responsibilities

Team Captains/Representatives are encouraged to be an active playing participant on their teams. If the registered team representative is a non-player, the team must declare a co-captain team. It is the expectation of the League office that Team Representatives will embody the philosophy of the JAM, which are fun, safety and enjoyment of the game of soccer for all.

Team Captains are responsible for the following:

If a team’s registration fees are not paid according to our deadline the team may be prohibited from playing and therefore take a 5-0 forfeit loss or dropped from the league without a refund.


Refunds/Returned Cheques


Equipment/Set Up


Uniforms and Equipment

Members must follow the following Uniform and Equipment Guidelines:



Braces and Casts

Knee braces and casts are allowed to be worn at our soccer facility provided that they are covered and properly padded by a force-absorbing material that covers all rigid exterior sides and edges. THE REFEREE WILL MAKE THE FINAL DECISION AS TO THE ACCEPTABILITY OF ANY CAST OR KNEE BRACE. NO HARD CASTS ALLOWED.


League Format

The following will define the League format which may differ from standard JAM Soccer Leagues:

Schedule and League Format

The schedule and formats for a league may vary from season to season, depending on the number of teams in a league. Please check with the Toronto JAM Head Office for the format of your league. Schedules are available on the Toronto JAM website.

Note: If your team has a scheduling request please make sure it is mentioned to the Toronto JAM Head Office before the league schedule is made, and we will try to accommodate you. Please note that all special requests are ‘requests’ and may not be accommodated.


Leagues are set up on a 'Best Record System'. A team’s record is the total number of points earned per game:

Tie Breakers

Playoffs Format

The top 4 teams at the completion of the regular season will compete in finals (1 v 4 and 2 v 3). Both winning teams go through to the championship final. Losing teams will play consolation games.

Teams that don’t finish in the top 4 will play in consolation games.

Game Sheets


The referee shall send any player off the field who is bleeding or requires treatment for an injury. If a player has been ordered off the field because of blood, the player must obtain the referee’s approval before they may re-enter the field.

Play shall stop when the referee decides that:

  1. An injury is serious (i.e. head injury)
  2. The injured player’s location is likely to interfere with play
  3. The injured player’s team has control of the ball

When play is stopped for an injury, the injured player must leave the field, except for the goalkeeper. The second time that play is stopped because of an injury to the same goalkeeper; they must leave the field. An injured player may re-enter the field after play is restarted and after the referee’s signal. If play is stopped for an injury anyone entering the field to assist the injured player must wait for the referee’s signal.



The following are the specific rules of play for the JAM BallSports Soccer League:

Ball In and Out of Play

The ball is still in play:

  1. When it rebounds from a goalpost, crossbar, or corner flag and remains in the field.
  2. When it rebounds off a referee on the field and remains on the field.

The ball is out of play when the whole ball crosses the field boundary line or touches the dome ceiling



A restart is a procedure for resuming play after a stoppage. Restarts are kickoffs; and free kicks that include: kick-ins, corner kicks, and drop balls. All restarts are “indirect”; that is, a goal can only be scored after a second player has touched the ball

On all restarts, the ball must be stationary and the ball must be placed where the foul was committed or where it went out of bounds.

A whistle is not required except on a penalty kick.

The referee might ask a team to wait for their whistle if the official feels it is necessary.

Fouls and Misconducts

Fouls include:

The restart after any foul is called will be a free kick at the spot of the infraction.

Slide Tackles:

There will be NO SLIDE TACKLES. Any slide tackle will result in a two-minute time penalty. A slide tackle is defined as a player leaving their feet to make an attempt to slide into the ball that is in the possession of an opposing player. A player may slide in the open field to keep the ball in play provided that their action is not considered dangerous by the referee.

Violations Involving the Goalkeeper

Note: To clear up any confusion about goalkeeper handballs around the penalty area. The key point is the location of the ball. If the ball is inside the area at the moment of contact it is not a handball even if any other part of the goalkeeper’s body is outside the area.

Time Penalties

If in the referee’s opinion a foul is serious a two-minute penalty or an ejection (red card and a five-minute penalty) may be given. A player can be given a red card without first receiving a warning.

After a penalty is given, the play is restarted at the point of the infraction with a free kick by the opposing team. Any penalty issued to a substituted or on-field player will have to be completed in its entirety regardless of any play that occurs on the field.

Short-Handed Play

Two Minute Penalties

The following are infractions in which can cause a two-minute penalty:

Encroachment: For all free kickstarts: The defender must provide a minimum of 5 yards for the taking of a free kick. If a defensive player makes any movement toward the ball to block the free kick and crosses into the five-yard minimum space they are guilty of encroachment and may be assessed a two-minute penalty.

If the player taking the free kick asks the referee to enforce the five-yard distance they must wait for a referee’s signal to restart. If the defensive player makes any movement toward the ball to block the free kick and crosses into the five-yard space they are guilty of encroachment and may be assessed a two-minute penalty.

If the referee asks a defensive player to move five yards from the ball and the player does not immediately comply, delaying the restart, a two-minute penalty may be assessed.

On a kickoff, the defending team must be on their side of the halfway line and outside the center circle.

Dissent: Dissent is words or actions directed by a player at a referee in objection of any call. Dissent will result in at least a two-minute penalty.

Unsportsmanlike Behaviour: The referee issues a two-minute penalty for the following unsportsmanlike offenses:

Misconducts/ Red Cards

If a player receives a red card, that person is ejected from the premises for at least the remainder of the game and the team’s next game. Their team is penalized for five minutes.

The penalty does not expire if scored upon.

Red Cards include:

Suspensions for Fighting or Abuse of Officials or Staff:

Any player, coach, or spectator who spits, touches, bumps, physically contacts, or verbally abuses a game official or facility staff member shall be guilty of violent conduct and ejected from the JAM and Ballsports premises for no less than one year and could be expelled indefinitely.


Offsides do not apply in these leagues.

Free Kick

Penalty Kick

Kick In.

Goal Kick

Corner Kick



Referees and staff members have the right to remove a player, coach, or spectator before, during, or after a game. That person must leave the property immediately. Failure to leave the premises will result in the game being terminated and the victory awarded to the opposing team.

Red Cards

If a player is issued a red card, the player is ejected for a minimum of the remainder of that game and the team’s next league game. Their team will play short for 5 minutes. The length of the red card suspension will be determined by the discipline committee during a process called Discipline by Review. No players or team delegates attend the review.

Suspensions shall carry on to any other teams the player plays with. For example: if a player receives a 3-game suspension, the suspension will be for 3 weeks from all leagues with The Toronto JAM and Ballsports

Discipline by Review

A discipline committee meets once a week to review any discipline reports that occurred the previous week. The committee discusses each report individually and uses the Ontario Soccer Association Standard Penalties for misconduct by a player guideline as a reference to determine the suspension.

Although teams don’t attend this process, team captains can send us an email with their point of view of the incident, and this will be taken into consideration by the committee.

Terminated or Abandoned Games

If the referee terminates a game, the score of the game and any disciplinary action will be decided by the discipline committee. If any player, coach, or spectator involved with a particular team gives the referee cause to terminate a game, the victory will be awarded to the opposing team.


A protest must be submitted in writing within 24 hours of the game being played. Protests may be made on eligibility and rule interpretation; never on a judgment call by officials. Only the team captain or designated game captain may file a protest.


A player who receives a red card will be automatically suspended for the next game and the captain will be notified of the length of suspension after the discipline committee meeting has occurred (please refer to discipline by review above).


Powers of the Referee

The referee’s power to assess penalties and maintain control of the game includes violations committed during play, during stoppages, and at the conclusion of the game.

The referee has the power to:


Referee’s Report

The referee will file a report with the league, giving all pertinent information about any red cards and special incidents.


Regular Season Matches and Playoffs Tiebreak

Regular Season Matches can end in a tie. There must be a winner in a playoff match. In the event that the match ends in a tie, teams will partake in the following tiebreaker:


Rough Play

Any rough or physical play will result in immediate expulsion from further league play and may result in a lifetime league expulsion. Please see the JAM General Policy for our official guidelines on this subject. It is recognized that incidental contact between players is inevitable; however, all players should go out of their way to avoid creating an unsafe play.  This rule supersedes all others. 



There are absolutely no alcoholic beverages permitted on JAM or Ballsports property. Any offenders will be asked to leave the league without a refund. No exceptions.