Canadian Club Over Beer Softball Series: East Point Park

Date: Jul 27, 2019
Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm (approximate)
Individual Recreational: $39.99
Team Recreational: $349.99
Registration Deadline: Jul 23, 2019
Location: East Point Park - Diamond #1 101 Copperfield Road (off Beechgrove Drive, south of Lawrence Avenue East) south of Lawrence Ave east, east of Morningside Ave Map
- 9 fielders per team (including a rover).
- Co-ed format (minimum of 3 men and 3 women on the field at a time).
- All teams play a minimum of 4 x 45 minute games.
- Potential to play more games.
- Like all co-ed SSC softball leagues, this tournament will be self-officiated.
Prizes for winning teams!
One of the winning teams will also be given free entry into our Canadian Club "Tournament of Champions", which will be hosted on September 28th at Centennial Park!