
Varsity Stadium Field 1 (5 vs 5)

Address: 275 Bloor St. W. (Bloor & Devonshire Pl.)

No map is currently available for this location.

Description: The entrance to the bubble is located through the glass doors in the new Pavilion, located off Devonshire Place (this is the building south of the field and arena). Staff will greet you upon entry and you will need to inform them that you are with the Toronto Sport and Social Club. There is limited pay parking available south of the bubble off Devonshire Place, as well as street parking in the area. We recommend you take the TTC to this location. In order to help the flow of traffic we would like to ask that groups do not enter the Dome until 10 minutes prior to their scheduled timeslot. At the 10 minute mark, participants may enter and kindly wait on the sidelines until it is their time to step onto the field. Please be mindful of other groups and not warm up on the playing field while another game is running, even when the play is on the other end of the field.


  • Venues may have multiple courts/fields. Additional layout maps may be provided for these below.
  • The majority of outdoor venues often do not have bathrooms. Make sure you go before your game!
  • There is no smoking at any JAM playing venues!

For facility problems (locked door, missing equipment, unreasonable caretakers), call 416-781-4263.

Maps, Images and Documents