Tournament Rules: Ultimate Frisbee (Indoor Speedpoint)
The following rule book will cover all JAM Indoor Ultimate Frisbee Tournaments. It is described in its entirety below.
Game Time/ Defaults
- Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your start time to ensure that your games start on time.
- Games are typically 25 minutes in length, with no stoppage for halftime and no scoring cap. Time format may vary for a specific tournament. These changes will be noted in that tournament's schedule.
- Teams may opt to change ends halfway through the game in order to switch the end they are scoring in.
- The JAM Ambassador will act as timekeeper. A whistle (or the buzzer) will be blown to start and end the game.
- Teams must play with a minimum of 2 of each gender.
Team Format
- Teams are comprised of five (5) players. Teams must play with a minimum of 2 of each gender.
Equipment/Set Up
- Pylons will be provided. Teams should bring a disc and both light and dark jerseys to each and every game.
General Rules
It is our hope that the more experienced teams will assist in the promotion and clarification of the spirit of the game and the rules. If a team or person is unclear on something, explain it to them to enhance the Ultimate experience and not to put them at a disadvantage. This will ensure that all games that are played are heading to a higher and more enjoyable level.
Specific speed point rules are as follows:
- A team is required to have 2 male and 2 female on the field at any time during the game.
- Rules concerning disc placement in the endzone:
- Following a point being scored; There is no pull. After a point is scored, the player who caught the scoring pass will acknowledge that a point has been scored, and immediately place the disc down on the field. The team who was just scored on has 8 seconds to pick up the disc, (before a 'delay of game' stall count can begin) and put it back into play (now as the offense) at the spot where the disc was scored (i.e. do not bring it up to the line). When the offensive team takes possession of the disc, the defensive team initiates the stall count at 'Stalling One' (as in every other situation, the player on defense must be within 3 meters to initiate a stall count).
- If there is a turnover in the end zone, the team now on offense may carry the disc directly to and put into play at the spot on the goal line closest to where possession was gained. The disc can also be put into play where possession was gained (faking a throw or pausing after gaining possession requires the player to put the disc into play at that spot). If the disc is thrown or rolls out of the endzone (back or side), then the team now on offense is to put the disc in play at the spot on the goal line closest to where the disc went out of bounds.
- Players can only substitute on the fly. In order for a substitution to occur, the player coming off the field must 'tag' the on-coming player stationed within the 'substitution area'. The substitution area will be within 5 metres of the center line of the field. Only players within this area can be 'tagged'. This rule does not apply during injury substitutions. If a timeout is called, players may substitute freely with the exception of the player who called the timeout. If the person marking the player who called the timeout wishes to substitute, then the stall count resets to zero.
- There is a hard time cap. Games are 25 minutes in length. When the onsite JAM Ambassador announces that time has expired, the game is over - regardless of where the disc is. In other words, you do not finish the current point - the game ends when the time has expired: ties may result! NOTE: The only exception is that if a throw is in the air when time expires, the result of the throw stands (i.e. if it is caught in the endzone, it is a point).
- Playoff Tie Breaking: A game can end in a tie during round robin play. In the playoffs, when regulation time has expired and the game is tied, the current point should be played out until a team scores.
- Field size differs based on the location. Field set up will be completed by the onsite Ambassador for the tournament.
- Foot blocks are not permitted and are considered fouls. Teams in the Advanced level may choose to play with foot blocks (please confirm before each game).
- Poaching, zone defenses and switching will be allowed (there is no "Butterfly" rule).
- Double teaming: Double Teaming the thrower may be identified by anyone on the field; however, only the thrower can actually call "Double Team" resulting in a reset stall count initiated by a self-check. The thrower does not have to wait for a defensive player to check the disc into play.
- If a disc touches the sides of the bubble, lights or curtains is it considered "out of bounds." It is a turnover and the disc shall be put into play at the spot where the disc went out of bounds (or contacted the bubble/lights).
- 5-on-5 speed point games will have stall counts to 8 (i.e. a disc not passed by stall 8 is considered down and results in a turnover).
- Teams have 1 timeout per game. Each timeout is a maximum of 1 minute. A timeout may not be called in the final 5 minutes of play; if one is called it is an automatic turnover.
Preliminary Round Matches
Preliminary Round games can be tied during the regular season.
Playoffs Tiebreak
There must be a winner in a playoff match. In the event that the match ends in a tie, teams will partake in the following tie-breaker until a winner is determined:
A game can end in a tie during round robin play. In the playoffs, when regulation time has expired and the game is tied, the current point should be played out until a team scores.
Rough Play
Any rough or physical play will result in immediate expulsion from further tournament play and may result in a lifetime tournament expulsion. Please see the JAM General Policy for our official guidelines on this subject. It is recognized that incidental contact between players is inevitable; however, all players should go out of their way to avoid creating an unsafe play. This rule supersedes all others.
Please note that on-site staff members have full autonomy when supervising games. Games may be stopped entirely, players may be asked to leave the playing area or be removed from the game entirely under their discretion.
There are absolutely no alcoholic beverages permitted on JAM property. Any offenders will be asked to leave the tournament without refund. No exceptions.