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Tournament Rules: Basketball 3x3

The following rule book will cover all JAM run Basketball 3x3 Tournaments. It is described in its entirety below.


Game Time/ Defaults

  • All games must start with at least 3 players per team.
  • Only those teams scheduled to play are allowed to occupy the court at the scheduled time.
  • Teams MUST be at their court at their scheduled time, even if games are “running behind”.
  • Games are 25 minutes in length.
  • As soon as the games have been instructed to begin, the time clock will begin to count down and will not stop for any reason, until the 25 minutes has gone by.
  • All games are self-officiated.


Playing Area

Games will take place on half (1/2) of an JAM Basketball Court.


Equipment/Set Up

  • Equipment including basketballs will be provided.
  • Teams are also responsible for keeping track of the score. Please designate one person to keep track of the score.



Teams are required to bring both light and coloured shirts to every game.


Basketball 101

The following outlines the basis of the rules of JAM Basketball Tournaments:  

  • Teams can have as many subs as they want, but there can only be three (3) players from each team on the court at all times.
    • Men’s Division: All three (3) players must be male.
    • Women’s Division: All three (3) players must be female.
    • Co-ed Division: There must be at least one (1) male and one (1) female on the court at all times.
  • For first ball, captains will decide on a player to shoot for possession.
  • 25-minute matches - as many points you can score in 25-minutes. In the event of a tie at full-time, the first team to score two baskets wins the game.
  • Points will be scored as 2's and 3's. Dunking is not permitted.
  • The ball must be cleared every time there is a change in possession - a ball is considered cleared after it is in the hands of a player behind the 3-point line. If you steal the ball from the opposing team under the net, it must still be cleared before attempting to score.
  • Possession will return to the team who scored last (winner's ball). The ball needs to be checked at the top of the key before each play. Each play must start with a first pass.
  • Subbing: Teams can sub after any made basket.
  • Seeding: Wins are worth 1 point, losses receive zero points.
  • This tournament is self-officiated. For any violation / foul disputes, teams can shoot for possession.
  • We have a zero-tolerance policy for violence and bullying.



  • All standard basketball infractions are enforced (e.g. reaching-in, body contact of any kind, charging, etc.).
  • Fouls result in a turnover of possession, to be checked in at the top of the key.
  • Players are responsible for calling their own fouls. Please don’t abuse this rule. If a foul call has not been made, the player who has been fouled can also make the foul call.
  • Only one of the two players involved with an infraction can make a foul call.
  • If a foul call is disputed and the two players cannot come to an agreement, the player who allegedly was fouled will take a shot from the free-throw line. If it goes in, that team gains possession at the top of the key (the basket does not count towards the final score). A missed basket results in the other team taking possession at the top of the key. Remember that games are timed, so it is not worth wasting time arguing over calls.
  • When the ball is 'tied up',(i.e opposing team players are holding onto the ball for longer than 3 seconds) a jump ball call can made and the team on defense will be awarded possession of the ball.
  • DUNKING IS NOT ALLOWED. Dunking damages the rim which makes the schools very unhappy.  
  • If you notice any player exhibiting unsportsmanlike behavior please bring this to the attention of the tournament convenors right away. Tournament convenors reserve the right to eject any player exhibiting extreme unsportsmanlike behavior from the game, and/or tournament.


Preliminary Round  Matches

Preliminary Round games cannot be tied.


Playoffs Tiebreak

1. Teams will be seeded into a playoff bracket. For any tie breakers in the standings, teams will be measured via head-to-head competition and point differential if necessary.

2. All teams get at least 1 playoff game. The format will vary for all tournaments.

3. Single elimination for playoffs (aside from semifinals - losers will play for 3rd place).

4. All playoff matches are 25 minutes and will follow the same rules as the group stage.


Rough Play

Any rough or physical play will result in immediate expulsion from further tournament play and may result in a lifetime tournament expulsion. Please see the JAM General Policy for our official guidelines on this subject. It is recognized that incidental contact between players is inevitable; however, all players should go out of their way to avoid creating an unsafe play.  This rule supersedes all others. 

Please note that on-site staff members have full autonomy when supervising games. Games may be stopped entirely, players may be asked to leave the playing area or be removed from the game entirely under their discretion.



There are absolutely no alcoholic beverages permitted on JAM property. Any offenders will be asked to leave the tournament without refund. No exceptions.